4. Electrical Wiring DiagramMAIN PCB Printed circuit board(MAIN) EEV Electronic Expansion ValveINVERTER PCB Printed circuit board(INVERTER) M-BLDC BLDC MotorEMI PCB Printed circuit board(EMI) OLP-TEMP Thermistor OLPNOTE• This wiring diagram applies only to the outdoor unit.• Colors blk: black, red: red, blu: blue, wht: white, yel: yellow, brn: brown, sky: skyblue• When operating, don’t short circuit the protection device (High Pressure switch)• For connection wiring indoor-outdoor transmission F1-F2, outdoor-outdoor transmission OF1-OF2, refer to theinstallation manual.• Protective earth(screw), : connector, : The wire quantityCXH09ADB (AC009BXADCH/AA), CXH12ADB (AC012BXADCH/AA)Outdoor Units