UsingFaceOetection As,,,If you use Face Detection options, your camera can automatically detect a human face. When you focus on a human face the cameraadjusts the exposure automatically. Use Blink Detection to detect closed eyes or Smile Shot to capture a smiling face. You can also LIseSmart Face Recognition to register faces and prioritize the focus on them,• wnen your camera detects a race, itt acks the detected face-- automauca• Face Detection m_ sot De eTTecweweer"_Tesuoject is ta tree the camera m_e tocus trame v_ aooea_oraege tot Sm le Shot aed B nk Detec[on,Ji[ is too orlgn[ cries aan__e subject is not tacing tne came/__le s4 }jec[ is wearing sun{ asses or a maskrole SLDjec[S raca] express }n changes arastlcalJyITTeSL}jeoT _oaoKl[ or tee Jet ng cone tlons are uric[sole• Face metectloe e no[ avaJaole wee you se[ ins Se eotlon AF,]]aohng AF,or Manur :ecus• Depenalng on me snooting opuons you ee eo[ec aval able FaceDetect on ootloes may dlttefDepenalng on [ne Face Deteotloe options you eeeo[ea, tee timertb 3[orl r _y no[ ms avalable.• vvnen you set Face meteciion ODIOFIS,Ins/_E area s automaScaset to Multi AF• Depending on the Face Detee[ )n opuses you se ec_ed. Burst eD[ior/smay no[ De aval asle.• vvnen you set Smart Face Becc ylJ[orl spoon aea capture oRo[os oroe[ectedtaces, tneywloer%stered nthetace _[• YOUcan yew reg s[ered races n order ot pnouty n Playback mocp, 79) Even though races a e reg e[erea euccessTu Ib [eey ma} lo[ Decassiried in P a} sack moae• A race detected wth Smart Fsse Recc _n_lon opuon may not a_sea-i the race list or Smart AbumDetecting facesYour camera automatically detects up to 10 human faces in onescene._/ In Shooting mode, press [MENU].2 Select Face Detection _ Normal,The face nearest the cameraor nearest the center of thescene appears in a whitefocus frame and the restof the faces appear in grayfocus frames,Shooting options 64