iiidiiig{i g pi_otoRotate the mode dial to I_.2 Select _.{_ Rotate [Zoom] to the left, and then select a photo._:SSelect Face Retouch.5 Press [_./6_)] to adjust the option.• As thenumberincreases,the skintonebecomesbnghterandsmoother.Creating a pnnt o_de_(DPOF)Selectphotos to printand save printoptions inthe DigitalPrintOrder Format(DPOF),This intormationis savedinthe MISCfolderon your memory cardfor convenientprintingonDPOFcompatibleprinters.In Playback mode, select a photo you want to print, andthen press [MI:NU],_ii_ Select DPOF.{_ Press [DISP/_] to select the number of copies, and(!_ Press [_] to save.Rotate the mode dial to I_.2 Select _._ Rotate [Zoom] to the left, and then select a photo._:SSelect Red-eye Fix.5 Press [_] to save.then press [OK]._,J • _ou carl _aKethe memoly cad to a print shop 1flat supports DPOF(Dig Ia Pdnt Order Format sryou san pnn_photos alrec_ly_nreugnaDPOF come sup e onn_era_home• _hotos with dlmerisio _ that are wlaer _n_1ins paper may se out off_n tne left and lght edges. Ensure that you Dno_oalmens ons are3omDa_Jelewl_n tr/e eaDeryou sele £,ou oar _etset DPOF oouons tot phOtOSs_orea n the n[eul£91Tie,y,- _you specly the pnnt size, you san prn_ photos onyw_nDPOF 1.1 comea_m)lesnn_ersPlayback/Editing 90