Installation2)1&U-,0&1&,+ Air Handlers with DX type evaporator coils require liquid and suction piping sized in accordance with condensing unitmanufacturer’s instructions. The evaporator coils have sweat copper connections. Refrigerant lines should be solderedwith silver solder or high temperature brazing alloy.DRY NITROGEN MUST BE FLOWED THROUGH REFRIGERANT LINES DURING SOLDERING OPERATION.REFER TO OUTDOOR UNIT INSTALLATION MANUALS FOR PRESSURE CHECKING AND VACUUM DRYING PROCEDURES.There are two refrigerant pipes of differing diameters:࡛ A smaller one for the liquid refrigerant࡛ A larger one for the gas refrigerant࡛ The inside of copper pipe must be clean & have no dust.Prepare the connecting pipe referring to the list below.࡛ Refrigerant pipe diametersUnit : inch(mm)AC012/018 NZDCH AC024 NZDCH AC030/036/042/048 NZDCHLiquid pipe 1/4 (6.35) 1/4 (6.35) 3/8 (9.52)Gas pipe 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.88) 5/8 (15.88)Ɵ˵ʪɇ̈θ˵ɇ͝ʒ̷ʪθ࣭࣬ʀͱ̷̈ʒθɇ̈͝Χɇ͝˵ɇϑϩиͱ࣭ࠛĘťƟ࣑ߧߢ߫ߣף͔͔࣒˙ʪ͔ ɇ̷ʪΧθ͔̈ɇθцɇ͝ʒϩиͱϑʪʀͱ͝ʒɇθцʀͱ͝͝ʪʀϩ̈ͱ͝ϑ̷࣑ʪ˙ϩͱθθ̈˝˵ϩ˵ɇ͝ʒ࣒Ɵ˵ʪ˵ͱθ̈іͱ͝ϩɇ̷Χɇ͝˵ɇϑϩиͱ࣭ࠛĘťƟ࣑ߧߢ߫ߣף͔͔࣒˙ʪ͔ɇ̷ʪࡥͱ͝ʪ Χθ͔̈ɇθцɇ͝ʒͱ͝ʪϑʪʀͱ͝ʒɇθцť̈Χ̈͝˝˙θͱ͔ʪɇʀ˵ѣϩϩ̈͝˝Їϑʪʒ̈ϑϩͱ˵ɇЭʪߤऌ̈͝ʀ˵ऌ࣑ߪߢߧ͔͔࣒͔͔̈̈͝Ї͔ϩθɇΧɇ͝ʒʪɇʀ˵θЇ̈͝͝ϑЇ ʀ˵ɇ͔ɇ͝͝ʪθɇϑϩͱΧθͱӬʒʪʪ͝ͱЇ˝˵ϑ̷ͱΧʪ˙ͱθɇʒʪαЇɇϩʪʒθɇ̈͝ɇ˝ʪϩͱɇӬϑ̈ɵ̷ʪɇθʪɇUͱ͝ͱϩΧ̈Χʪϩ˵ʪϑʪϩиͱѣϩϩ̈͝˝ϑϩͱ˝ʪϩ ˵ʪθ̈͝ϩͱɇʀͱ͔͔ͱ͝ʒθɇ̈͝ Prime drain with water beforeoperating the unit by pouring water into the condensate pan. Cap unused connections.Refrigerant pipeconectionsHorizontal left(right to left) drainconnectionsHorizontal right(left to right)drain panopeningTypical Condensate Traps2" minimum(50.8mm minimum)Anti-syphon air vent2" minimum(50.8mm minimum)2" minimum(50.8mm minimum)CAUTION࡛ Make sure to keep the drain hose from getting tangled or loosened (on the connection part).࡛ Insulate all condensate pipes connected to the indoor unit to prevent condensation formation.Condensate formation on condensate pipes can lead to property damage and unsafe environmentconditions.When passing the drain hose through the hole drilled in the wall, make sure to avoid following cases.CAUTION࡛ Since the draining is of natural drain type, install the drain hose in downward direction.࡛ If you do not tie the drain hose with a cable tie, leakage may occur࡛ Drain pipe may get clogged if there is any foreign substances within the drain pan, so you must removeany foreign substances after completing the installation.Drain pipe installation