English - 13● CONNECTION & INSTALLATIONHow to connect (SLA-880)yHow to connect (SLA-12240)yLens Label Lens Cable No. Lens Cable Color Board LabelZoom Wiper 1 Pink AD_ZOOM_PFocus Wiper 3 Sky Blue AD_FOCUS_PPot. Supply 7 Orange +5VFocusWhite +Near5 Blue FOCUS_MOTOR+2 White FOCUS_MOTOR-ZoomRed +Tele4 Green ZOOM_MOTOR+6 Red ZOOM_MOTOR-Pot. Return 8 Gray GNDCCTV ZOOM LENZSLA-12240 12-240mm 1:1.6Made in JapanFOCUS_MOTORZOOM_MOTOR - +- +5VAD_FOCUS_PAD_ZOOM_PCABLE 7Lines : Adjusting the zoom and focusAuto Iris JackALCLEVEL FOCUS_MOTORZOOM_MOTOR - +- +Lens Label Board LabelFocus GREEN (Far) FOCUS_MOTOR+BLACK (Near) FOCUS_MOTOR-Zoom YELLOW (Wide) ZOOM_MOTOR+RED (Tele) ZOOM_MOTOR-