3434SYSTEM INFOYou can check the system-related information. If you press the Setupswitch when … is selected in SYSTEM INFO, the correspondingscreen appears.You can find the system information about ROM version, EEPversion, protocol, address, type, baudrate, and serial number.❚ RS-485The RS-485 menu is used to configure the RS-485 communicationrelated settings for this camera. You can connect to RS-485 through therear panel.(SPECIAL)LANGUAGE ENGLISHV-SYNC INTDIGITAL ZOOM OFFVIDEO SET ...DNR OFFFLICKERLESS OFFSYSTEM INFO ...RET(SYSTEM INFO)ROM VER 1.000EEP VER 1.000PROTOCOL SAMSUNGADDRESS 0TYPE RS-485, HALFBAUD RATE 9600SERIAL NO. 0000000000000RET