28283. Block type: The screen displays with small blocks. When a motionis detected in the selected blocks, the small blocks are displayedon the screen. PRESET: The whole screen becomes the motiondetection area. USER...: You can manually set the motion detection area.Use the UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT Setup switch to set thearea. To erase the selected block, press the Setup switch.In order to set the motion detection area on your own, you have tospecify the size and location for the area setting.When ON is selected in DISPLAY, the detected motion is displayedon the screen and the camera sends the Alarm Out signal.You can also assign the sensitivity for motion detection.❚ DAY/NIGHTThe DAY/NIGHT menu is used to configure the day and nightrelated settings for this camera. This camera can turn the IR(Infrared) filter on or off.CAMERA ID OFFIRIS ALC...SHUTTER OFFAGC HIGHMOTION DET OFFDAY/NIGHT DAY...WHITE BAL ATW2PRIVACY OFFSPECIAL ...RS-485 ...EXIT QUIT