35Connecting and Using a Source Device22 Connecting and Using a Source Device2.2.4 Setting Optimum ResolutionAn information message about setting optimum resolution will appear if you power on the product for thefirst time after purchase.Select a language on the product and change the resolution on your PC to the optimum setting.1 Select a language by moving the JOG button LEFT/RIGHT. Next, press the JOG button.2 To hide the information message, press the JOG button. If the optimum resolution is not selected, the message will appear up to three times for a specifiedtime even when the product is turned off and on again. The optimum resolution can also be selected in Control Panel on your PC.5HWXUQ(QJOLVK7KHRSWLPDOUHVROXWLRQIRUWKLVPRQLWRULVDVIROORZV****x**** **Hz8VHWKHDERYHVHWWLQJVWRVHWWKHUHVROXWLRQRQ\RXU3&6HWXS*XLGH