14_ setting upsetting up your refrigeratorREVERSING THE REFRIGERATOR DOOR(CONT’D) Unscrew the leg front and 2 screws at the Bottom hinge.Before removin the Bottom hinge, remove the leg. Switch the position of the Bottom hinge shaft. Remove the screw on the Autoguide and remove the Bottom hinge shaft with 11mm wrench. Attach theBottom hinge shaft on the left and put the reversed Auto Guide back. Attach the Bottom hinge on the bottom left side of the refrigerator where 2screws was previously removed in step 8. Screw remaining bolt on the bottomright side of the refrigerator for the future usage.Screw $XWRJXLGH%RWWRPKLQJHVKDIW,)!!)@-7QVLJ ""85