25Operation Function1234567891011NoInclude R-fan activationDefrost heater activationInitial power is activated ONOuter temperature is over 95℉Outer temperature is below 68℉Exhibition mode is operated togetherLed ON when COMP activation is includedLed ON F-fan activation is includedLed ON when F-heater activation is includedLed ON when F-lamp activation is includedLed ON when R-lamp activation is includedOperation RemarkR-fanR-defrost heaterInitial start modeOver load modeLow temp.modeExhibition modeCompF-fanF-defrost heaterF-LampR-LampRef. 6.button scanand display circuitryFREEZER:10digitFREEZER: 1digitREFRIGERATOR:10digitREFRIGERATOR: 1digitContenta : REFRIGERATOR 1 digitc : REFRIGERATOR 1 digitd : REFRIGERATOR 1 digite : REFRIGERATOR 1 digitf : REFRIGERATOR 1 digitg : REFRIGERATOR 1 digita : FREEZER 1 digitb : FREEZER 1 digitd : FREEZER 1 digita : FREEZER 10 digitb : FREEZER 10 digitDisplay LEDTable 2. Display table of the presently operating parts.l According to the ambient temperature, the condenser fan located in the machine compartment isoperated with different modes.※ 3, 4, and 5 only explains the system operation states according to the ambient condition.9-11) C-Fan Motor Delay Function of the Machine CompartmentRanges of ambient temp.Above 66℉61℉ ~ 65℉Below 60℉C-FAN is ON as soon as the compressor is on.C-FAN is ON with 5 minutes delay from the compressor on.C-FAN is OFF regardless of the compressor operation.C-FANDelay functionOperation