Operations42 EnglishOperationsPower Defrost guideThe following table presents auto programmes for defrosting food. The table contains foodquantities, weight ranges, and appropriate recommendations.Code Food Serving Size(kg)Instructions1 Meat 0.1-1.5 Shield the edges with aluminium foil. Turn themeat over, when the oven beeps. This programmeis suitable for beef,lamb, pork, steaks, chops,minced meat. Stand for 10-30 minutes.2 Poultry 0.1-1.5 This program is suitable for whole chicken as wellas for chicken pieces. Before defrosting, if a lotof ice crystals are present on poultry surface, itshould be rinsed under cold water until all the icecrystals are removed. The poultry should then beleft to stand for 5 to 10 min. at room temperature.Shield the leg and wing tips with aluminum foil.Place chicken pieces skin-side down, and wholechicken breast-side down on the middle of a flatmicrowave-safe plate. Turn the poultry over whenthe oven beeps3 Fish 0.1-1.5 Shield the tail of a whole fish with aluminiumfoil. Turn the fish over, when the oven beeps. Thisprogramme is suitable for whole fishes as well asfor fish fillets. Stand for 10-30 minutes.4 Bread / Cake 0.1-1.0 Put bread on a piece of kitchen paper and turnover, as soon as the oven beeps. Place cake ona ceramic plate and if possible, turn over, assoon as the oven beeps. (Oven keeps operatingand is stopped, when you open the door.) Thisprogramme is suitable for all kinds of bread,sliced or whole, as well as for bread rolls andbaguettes. Arrange bread rolls in a circle. Thisprogramme is suitable for all kinds of yeast cake,biscuit, cheese cake and puff pastry. It is notsuitable for short/crust pastry, fruit and creamcakes as well as for cake with chocolate topping.Stand for 5-30 minutes.MS32J5133BT_SA_DE68-04325B-00_EN.indd 42 2015-02-06 �� 11:08:50