E904Indicates a problem with the blue hot water cylinder sensor E904 only shows if field setting 3011 is setto 1 (unit has a hot water cylinder)To test this sensor, press the view button until the tap icon appears, this will show the temperatureits measuring, if this reading is -50 the sensor is not plugged into the yellow socket on the control boxPCBE101, E102, E201E101 shows on the indoor unit remote controller if the indoor unit cannot see the outdoor unit.E202shows on the outdoor unit if it can’t see the indoor unit This error appears if the power has been resetto either unit or the outdoor unit is not on.First wait 3 mins to see if the error disappears, if not remove the cover of the outdoor unit (the onewith Samsung written on it) and check the outdoor PCB display is lit up, If its not there is no power tothe outdoor unit.If there is power at the outdoor unit check F1 F2 cable is connected to the indoor PCB and the outdoorunit correctly, the cable must have no breaks or switches in it. If the cable is ok, it’s possible one of thePCBs is at fault. The hardest thing for an engineer to do is work out which end has the communicationerror.In the middle of the control box (indoor unit) PCB there are two LEDs, the red one shows thecommunication leaving the control box, the orange / green led shows the communication comingback from the outdoor unit. If there is a comms error E201 one or both of the LEDs will not be litindicating which PCB is at fault.E919 legionella failureIf the cylinder does not reach the legionella set temperature in 8 hours, E919 shows on the screen. The immersion heater is switched offautomatically. The unit stops. If you reset it (press on off) the unit will run for another week then trip again.Check 3041 =1, 3042 = Wednesday, 3043 =3AM, 3044 = 60°CCheck the immersion works, check the tank sensor is in the tank 100mm and is above the immersion heater. Check the tank thermostaton the immersion is set to above 60°C.Every Samsung heat pump fault code is now available on YouTube, search freedom heat pumps and the fault code and a simple to usevideo will show you what you need to know.Troubleshooting