Functions10EnglishHow to UseScheduleManage the operation settings for indoor units by setting schedules.• You can set a maximum of 50 schedules.• If you set an exception day, all schedules assigned to that day do not run.Create schedule• Tap the [+] button at the top right of the schedule page.• Settings required to create a scheduleItem Description RemarksSchedule name Enter a schedule name.Start Set the start date of the schedule.End Set the end date of the schedule.Exception date Select (a maximum of 50) exception days when you do not want theschedule to run.Time Set the time when the schedule will run.Days of theweekSelect which days of the week (e.g. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun) theschedule will run.Select deviceYou can select zones or devices.It is not possible to select the unspecified devices zone or a zone that hasno indoor unit.ActionsOperation settings for indoor units that will be controlled according to the schedule• Indoor unit: Power, Setting temperature, Mode, Wind strength,Wind direction, Air flow, Remote control(Enable/Disable/Conditional)• ERV (ventilation system): ERV power, ERV mode, ERV Wind strength,Remote control (Enable/Disable/Conditional)• ERV Plus: Power, Mode, ERV power, ERV mode, ERV Wind strength,Remote control (Enable/Disable/Conditional)• Heat Pump: Power, Mode, Setting temperature, Water outlet temperature,DHW power, DHW mode, DHW temperature, Remote control(Enable/Disable/Conditional)• System Air Purifier: Power, Mode, Wind strength, Wind direction, Wind Freeand Sleep, Remote control (Enable/Disable/Conditional)The operationfeature is onlyavailable forsetting itemssupportedby the indoorunits assignedto theschedule.Editing a scheduleFrom the schedule page, tap the schedule to edit, to display the Edit page.