24Verizon Wireless PrepaidIf you are on a Prepaid Monthly Plan, you must have a sufficientaccount balance at the time of renewal to cover the MonthlyAccess in order to receive your plan benefits. Monthly Accesswill be charged on the same date each month, unless you haveinsufficient funds to cover the Monthly Access.Some Verizon Wireless services and features, including Verizon(Video and Mobile TV), Extended Warranty, Wireless PhoneProtection, Total Equipment Coverage, Roadside Assistance,Detailed Billing and Premium and Visual Voice Mail are notavailable with the Prepaid Calling Plans.411 Search: When outside the Verizon Wireless Prepaid Rateand Coverage Area, 411 Search rates, automatic connectionand enhanced services may vary. For connected calls, the partof the call that occurs prior to connection may be billed ata different rate than the part of the call that occurs afterconnection. Additional toll and long distance charges may apply.Hearing Aid Compatibility InformationThis phone has been tested and rated for use with hearing aidsfor some of the wireless technologies that it uses. However,there may be some newer wireless technologies used in thisphone that have not been tested yet for use with hearing aids.It is important to try the different features of this phonethoroughly and in different locations, using your hearing aidor cochlear implant, to determine if you hear any interferingnoise. Consult your service provider or the manufacturer ofthis phone for information on hearing aid compatibility. If youhave questions about return or exchange policies, consult yourservice provider or phone retailer.Important Customer Information