42 - EnglishNetwork ServicesYou can enjoy various network services such asstreaming video or on-line apps by connecting theproduct to your network.To use network services, you must first:1. Connect the product to a network.(See page 13)2. Configure the network settings.(See pages 22~24)Logging In to Your SamsungAccountBefore you access SAMSUNG APPS, we suggestyou log in to your Samsung account.✎ If you do not have a Samsung account, createone by selecting Create Account.To create a Samsung account, follow these steps:1. With the Home screen displayed, press thebutton. The Sign In screen appears.2. Select the ID field, and then press the OKbutton. The keyboard pop-up appears.3. Using the keyboard, enter your e-mail address.When finished, select the Done button, and thenpress the OK button. The Sign In screen re-appears.4. Select the Password field, and then press theOK button. The keyboard pop-up appears.5. Using the keyboard, enter your password. Whenfinished, select the Done button, and then pressthe OK button. The Sign In screen re-appears.6. To make the log in process easier next time,select Sign me in automatically, and thenpress the OK button.7. Select Sign In, and then press the OK button.8. The Samsung account Terms and Conditionsscreen appears.9. Select I agree, and then press the OK button.10. Select an image you want to use to identify youraccount, and then press the OK button.11. Select Done.✎ If you selected Sign me in automatically, thenext time you log in, the product will automaticallyenter your e-mail and password. All you need todo is select Sign In.✎ If you press the button after you have loggedin, the Sign In screen appears. You can selectLink Accounts, Edit Profile, Remove Account,and Sign Out.Before Using SAMSUNG APPSIf you haven’t set up Smart Hub, when you useSAMSUNG APPS for the first time, the product willask you to perform the Smart Hub set up procedure.1. On the Home screen, select SAMSUNG APPS,and then press the OK button.2. The Smart Hub pop-up appears asking if youwant to set up Smart Hub. Select Yes, andthen press the OK button. The Welcome screenappears.3. Select Start, and then press the OK button.The Smart Hub Terms & Conditions, PrivacyPolicy screen appears.4. On the Additional Services and Optionsscreen, you must review and agree to boththe Smart Hub Terms and Conditions and thePrivacy Policy to use Smart Hub.5. Scroll down, and then click the View detailsbuttons to review the full documents.✎ You do not need to consent to the SupplementalPrivacy Notice, but one or more Smart TV featuresor functionalities may not be available if you donot.6. Select I agree to all, and then press the OKbutton. The Setup Complete screen appears.Press the OK button.