Declaration of ConformityFor the followingProduct : Home Entertainment SystemModel(s) :HT-E5300HT-E5330HT-E5350HT-E6530HT-EM53CHT-ES6200HT-ES6600HT-ES8200Year of First affixing CE marking: 2012We hereby declare under our sole responsibility that the electrical product above is in compliancewith the essential requirements of R&TTE Directive (1995/5/EC), the Low Voltage Directive(2006/95/EC) and Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2004/108/EC) by application ofEN 60065: 2002+A1:2006+A11:2008 EN 61000-3-3:2008EN 55022:2006+A1:2007 EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003EN 61000-3-2:2006 EN 55013:2001+A1:2003+A2 :2006EN 62311:2008 EN 55020:2007EN 301 489-1 v.1.8.1 EN 301 489-17 v.2.1.1EN 300 328 v.1.7.1,and the Eco-Design Directive (2009/125/EC) implemented by Regulation (EC) No 1275/2008 forstandby and off mode electric power consumption.The Technical documentation is kept at the below Manufacturer’s address.ManufacturerSamsung Electronics Co., Ltd.416 Maetan-dong, Young-Tong gu,Suwon, Korea 442-74205 Feb 2011 Chang Seub Eum / Manager(Place and date of issue) (Name and signature of authorized person)Representative in the EU:Samsung Electronics Euro QA Lab.Blackbushe Business ParkSaxony Way, Yateley, HampshireGU46 6GG, UK06 Feb 2011 Joong Hoon Choi / Lab. Manager(Place and date of issue) (Name and signature of authorized person)Note : It is not the address of Samsung Service Centre. For the address or the phone number of SamsungService Centre, see the warranty card or contact the retailer where you purchased your product.In France, this equipment may only be used indoors.This equipment may be operated in all EU countries.