Description5B GBAUX INVIDEOVIDEO OUTANTENN AS-VIDEOIMPEDENCE IMPEDENCESPEAKERS SPEAKERSAV OUTAUX1 IN AUX2 INVIDEOY/CCOMP.VIDEO OUTANTENNAS-VIDEOAMR-FRONT-LR-REAR-L WOOFER CENTER66 63LRLRRear Panel5.1 Channel SpeakerOutput TerminalsExternal AudioComponent InputConnector Video Output ConnectorConnect the TV's video input jacks(VIDEO IN) to the VIDEO OUT connector.S-Video Output ConnectorIf the TV is equipped with an S-Video input connector (S-VIDEOIN), connect it to the player's S-Video output jack.AM AntennaConnectorFM AntennaConnectorRemote Control Video/Audio Cable User's ManualFM AntennaAM AntennaAccessoriesSCART JACKConnect to a TV with scart input jack. VIDEO OUT SELECT SWITCHUse the switch to set video outFor using the SCART cable• If S-Video (Y/C-separation) is equipped for your TV, set Y/C-COMP.selector of the center unit to Y/C. You can get a better picture qualityby using S-Video (Y/C-separation) setting.• If S-Video (Y/C-separation) is not equipped for your TV,set Y/C-COMP. selector to COMP.Front PanelV I D E OFunctionVolumePhonesVolume controlPlay/Pause ( ) buttonStop ( ) buttonTuning Down & Skip ( ) buttonsTuning up & Skip ( ) buttonsPower ( ) buttonHeadphone JackTITLEindicatorDTS Disc indicatorPRO LOGIC indicatorDisplayPRO LOGICLINEAR PCM DSP TITLE PBC PRGM ST TUNEDkHZMHZL C RLSLFES RSD I G I T A LSTEREO indicatorDSP indi-catorPBCindicatorRADIOFREQUENCYindicatorPROGRAMindicatorSystem States DisplaySPEAKERindicator DOLBY DIGITAL indicatorTUNER indicatorOpen/Close buttonDisc TrayFunction buttonLINEAR PCMindicator6