ENG - 15> Advanced Wireless Gateway overviewGateway for the InstallationThe ideal location for your Gateway is where it has access to adpter and other devices. Thinkabout the layout of your home or office, and consult with your service provider to select thebest location for your Gateway. Read this user guide thoroughly before you decide where toplace your Gateway.Consider these recommendations:• Choose a location close to your computer if you will also use the Gateway for high-speedInternet service.• Choose a location that is near an existing RF coaxial connection to eliminate the need foran additional RF coaxial outlet.• Choose a location that is relatively protected from accidental disturbance or harm, suchas a closet, basement, or other protected area.• Choose a location so that there is plenty of room to guide the cables away from theGateway without straining or crimping them.• Choose a location that allows adequate ventilation around the Gateway.• Choose a location for the Residential Gateway that is adjacent to your telephoneequipment if you plan on connecting your phone directly to the Gateway.