Communication76Set call waiting›Call waiting is a network feature to alert you of an incomingcall while you are on a previous call. This feature is availableonly for voice calls.Open the application list and select Phone → Keypad →→ Call settings → Call settings → Additional settings→ Call waiting. Your setting will be sent to the network.View call logs›You can view logs of your calls and messages filtered by theirtypes.Open the application list and select1 Phone → Logs.Select2 → View by → an option.Select a log to view its details.3 From the detail view, you can dial or send a message tothe number. You can also use some helpful functions bytapping and holding a log on the list.Customise call settings› Open the application list and select1 Phone → Keypad →→ Call settings → an option.Change the following options:2Option FunctionCall rejectionSet to reject all calls or from specifiedphone numbers automatically. You canadd phone numbers to the auto rejectlist.Set rejectmessagesAdd or edit the message that will besent when you reject a call.