45Entering textAt many times while you are using your phone, youneed to enter text, such as when storing a name inthe Phonebook, writing a new message, creatingyour personal greeting or scheduling events on yourcalendar.You are provided with the following text inputmodes:• Neopad Indian mode*This mode allows you to enter Indian (Hindi,Tamil, Marathi, and Bengali) words with virtualkeypad which gives the user option to select oneof five letters assigned on keys easily and user-friendly features like built-in dictionary storedover 13,000 each of Indian languages for every-day use.• T9 mode**This mode allows you to enter words with onlyone keystroke per letter. Each key on the keypadhas more than one letter – when you press the 5key once, J, K or L may be displayed. The T9mode automatically compares your keystrokeswith an internal linguistic dictionary to determinethe correct word, thus requiring far fewerkeystrokes than the traditional ABC mode.• ABC modeThis mode allows you to enter letters by pressingthe key labelled with the required letter once,twice, three or four times until the letter displays.• Number modeThis mode allows you to enter numbers.* is a registered trademark of NEOPAD, Inc.** is a registered trademark of Tegic Communications,Inc. and is licensed under U.S. Patent 5,818,437/5,953,541/ 6,011,554.