Declaration of ConformityProduct detailsFor the followingProduct :Model(s) :Declaration & Applicable standardsWe hereby declare, that the product above is in compliance withthe essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC) byapplication of:SAFETYSAREMCRADIOand the Directive (2011/65/EU) on the restriction of the use of certainhazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment byapplication of EN 50581:2012.Representative in the EUSamsung Electronics Euro QA Lab.Blackbushe Business ParkSaxony Way, Yateley, HampshireGU46 6GG, UK *2017.XX.XX Stephen Colclough / EU Representative(Place and date of issue) (Name and signature of authorised person)* This is not the address of Samsung Service Centre. For the address orthe phone number of Samsung Service Centre, see the warranty card orcontact the retailer where you purchased your product.