ReportsRun a Daily Report (X1) while in X mode to view current totals.This can be done at any time. A Daily Report (Z1) or End ofEvent Report (Z2) preformed while the key is in the Z positionwill reset all totals after the report is run. These should be run atthen end of each night (Z1) and end of entire event (Z2). Besure to run both a Z1 and Z2 prior to the start of your eventif you have done any training or test sales.1. Turn the key to the X position for X report or Z positionfor Daily and Event reports2. Press the desired REPORT buttonCommon Programming FunctionsChanging the Date/Time1. Turn the key to the PGM position2. Press 1300 then press subtotal3. Enter the time in Military Standard Time (based on 24hours) as a four digit number (i.e. 3:30 pm = 1530);press the X/TIME button4. Enter the date in MM (month) DD (day) YY (year)format.5. Then press X/TIME.6. Press CASH to finalize the programChanging the Tax RateTo change the tax rate of your register follow these steps1. Turn the key to the PGM position2. Enter the percent tax rate including the decimal out tothree places. Example, for 6.75%, press 06.750.3. Assign the type of tax by pressing 001.4. Press the TAX button on the keyboard.5. Press the CASH button on the keyboard.6. Return the key to the REG position.Adding or editing itemsThere are 4 programs to adding a new item. All 4 parts need tobe done for each new item. Editing existing items – you can dojust the program needed.I. Assign a status to the item1. turn the key to the P position2. enter 100, then press SUBTOTAL3. scan the item or press the button on the keyboard4. enter the Status (S) code from the options belowa. preset taxable item = 40b. preset nontaxable item = 00c. open taxable item = 50d. open nontaxable item = 105. press the X/TIME button, repeat steps 3 through 5 foradditional items6. press CASH to finalize program sequence.3 SUBTOTAL1 0 0HH M M X/TIMEMM D D YX/TIME CASHYTT . T T T00 1 TAXCASH01 0S SSUBTOTALNEWITEMCASHX/TIMEDAILYREPORTDAILYREPORTEVENTREPORTWhile in X Position -eXamine current totalsleaving them intactIn Z Position -Zeros totals resettingfor new day’s salesIn Z Position -Cumulative totals of allprevious daily reports