RImagescanbedisplayedcontinuouslyatpre-setintervals.Youcanviewtheslideshowbyconnectingthecameratoanexternalmonitor.1.Presstheplaymodebuttonandpressthemenubutton.2.PresstheLEFT/ RIGHT button and salect the [SLIDE] menu tab.• Start the sfide show :The slide show can start only in the [SHOW] menu.1. Use the Up/Down buttonsto select the [SHOW]menu and press the Right button.2. Select a desired sub menu by pressingthe Up/Down button.[PLAY] : The slide show is closed after onecycle.[REPEA_] : The slide show is repeated untilcancelled.3. Press the OK button to start the slide show.- Press the Pause button to pause the slide show.- Press the Pause button ( _ ) againto resume the slide show.- To stop the slide show, press the Pause button and then press LEFT/RIGHT button.• Setting play interval: Set the slide show play interval1. Use the Up/Down buttons to salect the[INTERVAL] menu and press the Right button.2. Use the Up/Down buttons to select the desiredinterval.3. Press the OK button to save the configuration.• Configure slide show effects :Unique screen effectscan beused for the slide show.1. Select the [EFFECT] sub menu by pressingtheUP / DOWN button and press the RIGHT button.2. Use the Up/ Down button to select the type ofeffect.[OFF] : Normal display.[El] : Image is displayed slowly from the left.[E2] : Image is displayed slowly from the centreoutwards.[E3] : Image moves from the top left.[E4] :The image slides diagonally from top left to bottom right.[MIX] :The image slides irregularly.3. Press the OK button to confirm the setting.(41}