Samsung DBJ User Manual
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146Terminology480i / 480p / 720p / 1080i /1080p____ Each of the scanningrates above refers to the number ofeffective scanning lines that decidesthe screen resolution. The scanningrate may be indicated in i (interlaced)or p (progressive), depending on thescanning method.- ScanningScanning refers to a process ofsending pixels that form an imageprogressively. A larger number ofpixels will deliver a clearer and morevivid picture.- ProgressiveIn progressive scan mode, all linesof pixels are scanned one by one(progressively) on the screen.- InterlacedIn interlaced scan mode, everyother line of pixels is scanned fromtop to bottom first and then theremaining lines of pixels (that werenot scanned) are scanned.Non-interlace Mode and InterlaceMode____ Non-interlace mode(progressive scan) displays ahorizontal line from the top to thebottom of a screen progressively.Interlace mode displays the oddnumber lines first and the evennumber lines next. Non-interlacemode is mainly used in monitorsas it produces screen clarity andinterlace mode is mainly used inTVs.Dot Pitch____ The screen consist ofred, green and blue dots. A shorterdistance between the dots producesa higher resolution. Dot pitch refersto the distance between the shortestdistance between dots of the samecolour. Dot pitch is measured inmillimetres.Vertical Frequency____ The productdisplays a single image many timesper second (like a fluorescent lightthat flickers) to display an image fora viewer to see. The rate of a singleimage being displayed repeatedlyper second is called verticalfrequency or refresh rate. Verticalfrequency is measured in Hz.E.g. 60Hz refers to a single imagebeing displayed 60 times in onesecond.Horizontal Frequency____ Thetime required to scan a single linefrom the left to the right side ofthe screen is called a horizontalcycle. The reciprocal number of ahorizontal cycle is called horizontalfrequency. Horizontal frequency ismeasured in kHz.Source____ Input source refers toa video source device connected tothe product such as a camcorder orvideo or DVD player.Plug & Play____ Plug & Play is afunction that allows the automaticexchange of information betweena monitor and PC to produce anoptimum display environment.The product uses VESA DDC(international standard) to executePlug & Play.Resolution____ Resolution is thenumber of horizontal dots (pixels)and vertical dots (pixels) thatform a screen. It represents thelevel of display detail. A higherresolution enables more data tobe displayed on the screen and isuseful to perform multiple taskssimultaneously.E.g. A resolution of 1920 X 1080consists of 1,920 horizontal pixels(horizontal resolution) and 1,080vertical pixels (vertical resolution).DVD (Digital Versatile Disc)____DVD refers to a CD-sized massstorage disk where you can savemultimedia (audio, video or game)applications using MPEG-2 videocompression technology.HDMI (High Definition MultimediaInterface)____ It is an interface thatcan be connected to a digital audiosource as well as a high-definitionvideo source by using a single cablewithout compression.Multiple Display Control (MDC)____MDC (Multiple Display Control) isan application that allows multipledisplay devices to be controlledsimultaneously using a PC.Communication between a PC andmonitor takes place using RS232C(serial data transmission) and RJ45(LAN) cables. |
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