03233A(E)-CHAPTER 3 10/30/03 4:04 PM Page 26TV OPERATIONViewing C|osed CaptionsYour TV decodes and displays the dosed captions that are b_'oadca_,t with certain TV shows.These captions are usHallj subtitles [bE the headn S impai_'ed or fbreigndanguage hans-]ations. All VCRs record the closed caption signal flora television progiams, so home-recordedvideo tapes also p_ovide closed captions. Most DVDs and [)re-recoided commeicial video tapesp_ovide closed captions as well. Check fbr the closed capt{on symbol in yoHr television sched-ule and on the tape_ packaging: @.Press the MENU button todisp!athemenu,Dess the UPIDOWNAYbuttons to select'Tunction':, then p[ess theLEFT/RIGHI _111_buttons. *,Move ,_SeL ITnE×itP[ess the UP!DOWNAV _ Capti0_butt°nst°select !'Capti0n'_' _ Cation Offthen Fess the LEFT!RIGHT _ ::c__111_buttons.Av Move _Sel, ITR Exit3Press the LEFT!RIGHT_111_ou[mns to turn closed cap-nomng onloffF_Ca0tionCaI)ti0n On_,vMove o Se Fm Exi[Misspellings and unusualcharacters sometimes occur duringclosed caption transmissions, especial-ly those of live events. There nmy be asmall delay hefore captions appearwhen you change chalmels. These arenot malflmctions of the T_d4Press [he UP/DOWNAYouttonsto select Mode".Press me LEFT/RIGHT_111_buttons to selec[ "Cap[tonor "Texu}_BRC_CaotiolMode : CaDIJOi)Av Move _Se Fm Exit_1 In caption mode, captionsappear at the bottom of the screen,and they usually cover only a snmllportion of the picture.In text inode, information unrelatedto the prograin, such as news orweather, is displayed. Text oftencovers a la of the screen.5Depending on me parncmar oroadcast, it reign[ De necessary tomake cnanges [o "Channels" and "Fielo .Usethe UPIDOW'/AV, LEFTIRIGHT_111_buttons to make thechanges. 1Followthe same orocedure as in steps 3-4 above,Press the MENU button to exitDifferent channels and fieldsdisplay different infbrmation: Field 2carries additional information thatsupl)lemei_ts the information inFieM 1. (For example, Chalmel 1may have subtitles in English, whileChannel 2 has suhtitles in Spanish.)3.26 C}/,_.}'1}1_ THR}} : TV (])P} 1_,_\1"1(}1_