41 English06 Network S ervicesDownloading an App1. Select Most Popular, What's New, orCategories, and then press the v button.2. If you selected Categories, select a categoryicon, and then press the v button.Otherwise, go to Step 3.| NOTE |\ On the Most Popular, What's New, and Categoriesscreens, a green arrow is displayed on apps you havealready downloaded.3. Select an app you want to download,and then press the v button. The DetailInformation screen for the app appears.4. Select the Download on the screen, and thenpress the v button. Download changes toCancel and the app begins to download.5. If you want to cancel the download, selectCancel, and then press the v button.6. When the download is complete, Cancelchanges to Open. Select Open, and thenpress the v button to start the application.Alternately, press the RETURN button untilthe SAMSUNG APPS screen reappears.The app you downloaded will be displayedon the SAMSUNG APPS screen under MYAPPS.| NOTE |\ If the App cannot be downloaded due to insufficientremaining internal memory, connect a USB storage deviceand try again.Starting an Application1. Select SAMSUNG APPS on the Homescreen, and then press the v button.2. On the SAMSUNG APPS screen, use the▲▼◄► buttons to select an app, and thenpress the v button. The app starts.The Options MenuMove1. On the MY APPS screen, select the app youwant to move, and then press the v buttonfor 3 seconds.2. Select Move, and then press the v button.3. Use the ▲▼◄► buttons to move the app.4. When the app is where you want it, press thev or EXIT button.Delete1. On the MY APPS screen, select the app youwant to delete, and then press the v buttonfor 3 seconds.2. Select Delete, and then press the v button.3. Use the ◄► buttons to select Yes, and thenpress the v button.Delete Multiple1. On the MY APPS screen, select an app youwant to delete, and then press the v buttonfor 3 seconds.2. Select Delete Multiple, and then press thev button.3. Use the ▲▼◄► buttons to select appsyou want to delete, and then press the vbutton. A check appears next to each appyou select.| NOTE |\ You can deselect an app by highlighting it again, and thenpressing the v button.4. Use the ▼ button to select Delete at thebottom of the screen, and then press the vbutton.| NOTE |\ You can also select Cancel, Select All, or Deselect All atthe bottom of the screen.