20 EnglishSettingsSupportRemote managementWhen activated, lets Samsung Call Center agentsdiagnose and fix problems with your playerremotely. Requires an active Internet connection.| NOTE |\ Remote Management service might not be available insome countries.\ To use Remote Management:1) Call the Samsung Contact Center and ask forremote support.2) Open the player's menu on your TV and go to theSupport section.3) Select Remote Management, and then read andagree to the service agreements. When the PINscreen appears, provide the PIN number to theagent.4) The agent accesses your player.Software UpdateThe Software Update menu allows you toupgrade the product's software for performanceimprovements or additional services.Contact SamsungProvides contact information for assistance withyour product.ResetResets all settings to their default settings exceptfor the network and Smart Hub settings, and thenstarts the Setup function. To use, you must enterthe security PIN. The default security PIN is 0000.Networks and the InternetWhen you connect this product to a network,you can use network based applications andfunctions such as Smart Hub and BD-LIVE, andupgrade the product's software through thenetwork connection. For more information aboutaccessing and using Internet services, see theNetwork Services chapter of this manual on pages37~45. Instructions for configuring the networkconnection start below.Configuring Your Network ConnectionBefore you begin, contact your ISP to find outif your IP address is static or dynamic. If it isdynamic, and you have a wired or wirelessnetwork, we recommend using the Automaticconfiguration procedures described below.If you are connecting to a wired network, connectthe product to your router using a LAN cablebefore you start the configuration procedure.If you are connecting to a wireless network,disconnect any wired network connection beforeyou begin.To begin configuring your network connection,follow these steps:Wired NetworkĞ Wired - Automatic1. In the Home screen, select Settings, andthen press the v button.2. Select Network, and then press the vbutton.3. Select Network Settings, and then press thev button.4. Select Wired in the Network Settingsscreen, and then press the v button.5. Select the Connect button, and then pressthe v button. The product detects the wiredconnection, verifies the network connectionand then connects to the network.