43 English06 Network S ervices1. Use the ▲▼◄► buttons on your remote tomove the highlight to a letter or number ofyour choice.2. Press the v button to enter the letter ornumber into the entry field.3. To access capital letters, move the highlightto the Caps key on the top left, and thenpress the v button. Press the v buttonagain with the Caps key highlighted toaccess small letters again.4. To access symbols and additional punctuationmarks, highlight the 123#& button on the left,and then press the v button.5. To delete a character you entered, move thehighlight to the : button, and then press thev button.6. To delete all the characters you entered,move the highlight to the Clear button, andthen press the v button.7. When finished entering, move the highlightto the Done button, and then press the vbutton.| NOTE |\ If you have a wireless keyboard connected to yourproduct, you can use the wireless keyboard to enterletters, numbers, symbols, and punctuation. Note thatthe wireless keyboard will work only when the keyboardpopup appears and can only be used to enter letters,numbers, symbols, and punctuation.Options on the Keyboard Pop-UpTo access the keyboard pop-up options, highlightthe button on the bottom left of the keyboard,and then press the v button.LanguageSelect the language for the keyboard.You can select English, French,Russian, etc.RecommendedTextThe keyboard suggests recommendedwords as you enter text. You can turnthis function On or Off.Resetrecommendedtext dataReset erases the Samsung Keyboard'smemory. Select Reset to eraseeverything that the Samsung Keyboardhas learned about your writing style,including any new words you haveused.Predict NextLetterThe keyboard predicts the next letteras you enter letters. The predictionsappear in a ring around the letter youhave just entered. You can select apredicted letter or move to anotherletter. You can turn this function On orOff.AccentedcharacterpreviewSelect this if you want to type letterswith accent marks.Using the Setting MenuThe Setting menu contains functions that controlhow the Browser operates and Browser securityfunctions. To open the Setting menu, highlightthe icon in the Control Panel, and then pressthe v button. To select an option in the settingmenu, highlight the option, and then press the vbutton.New Tabhttp://www.samsung.com100%http://www.samsung.comEnable GrabbingApproved SitesPrivate Browsing OnSet Search EngineWeb Browser SettingHelpCloseEnable/DisableGrabbingTurns the Grabber function on and off.When the Grabber function is on, youcan move a web page up and downwithout dragging the scroll bar.The Grabber function is only availablein Pointer Browsing.