Using the Search & Skip Functions Using the Display FunctionDuring play, you can search quickly through a chapter or track or use the skipfunction to jump to the next selection.Searching through a Chapter or TrackSkipping Tracks11 During play, press the FWD SEARCH (¤¤ ) orREV SEARCH (ˆˆ ) button on the remote.• Press the REVERSE or FORWARD SEARCH button on the remoteand press again to search at a faster speed on the DVD, VCD, CD.11 During play, press the NEXT SKIP (¤¤I) orBACK SKIP (Iˆˆ ) button.• When playing a DVD, if you press the NEXT SKIP button, it moves to thenext chapter. If you press the BACK SKIP button, it moves to the beginningof the chapter.One more press makes it move to the beginning of the previous chapter.• When playing a VCD 2.0 in MENU OFF mode, a VCD 1.1 or a CD, ifyou press the NEXT SKIP button, it moves to the next track.If you press the BACK SKIP button, it moves to the beginning of the track.One more press makes it move to the beginning of the previous track.• If a track exceeds 15 minutes when playing a VCD and you press the NEXTSKIP button, it moves forward 5 minutes.If you press the BACK SKIP button, it moves backward 5 minutes.• When playing a VCD 2.0 in the MENU OFF or Track View function,if you press the NEXT SKIP button, it moves to the next MENU or the nextTrack View display.If you press the BACK SKIP button, it moves to the previousMENU or the previous Track View display. (See page 24.)When Playing a DVDWhen Playing a CD/VCD11 During play, press the DISPLAY buttonon the remote.- Current title, chapter number, elapsed time,audio, subtitle and volume control will be dis-played.• Use the NUMBER buttons to enter a differenttitle, then press the ENTER button.• Use the LEFT/RIGHT or NUMBER buttons toenter a chapter number, then press the ENTERbutton.• To enter the time from which you want to start,use the UP/DOWN buttons to select, then usethe NUMBER buttons to enter the time. Thenpress the ENTER button.• Use the LEFT/RIGHT buttons to change the val-ues of the current audio, subtitle and volume.• To make the screen disappear, press the DISPLAY11 During play, press the DISPLAY buttonon the remote.- Current track number, elapsed time and volumecontrol will be displayed.• Use the UP/DOWN buttons to select a track.Use the LEFT/RIGHT buttons or NUMBER but-tons to enter a different track number, thenpress the ENTER button.• To enter the time from which you want to start,use the UP/DOWN buttons to select, then usethe NUMBER buttons to enter the time.Press the ENTER button.• To change the value of the volume, use theLEFT/RIGHT buttons.- To make the screen disappear, press the DISPLAYbutton again.* In VCD 2.0 mode (MENU ON mode), only thevolume control will appear on screen.ADVDT : 01C : 020 : 01 : 09ENG 5.1CHENG64VCDT : 010 : 01 : 0964CDT : 010 : 01 : 0964What is a Chapter?Each Title on a DVD is usually divided intochapters (similar to tracks on an audio CD).What is a Title?A DVD may contain several different titles.For example, if a disc contains four differentmovies, each might be considered a title.NOTE18 19VCDCDBASICBASICFUNCTIONSFUNCTIONSDVDVCDCD2X, 4X, 8X, 16X, 32X, 128X4X, 8X2X, 4X, 8X• Depending on the disc, audio may not be heard when a disc is in 2X play mode.