ߛ ߜ ߝ ߞ ߟ ߠ ߡ ߢ ߣ ߚߜ ߣߛ ߢߛ ߡߛ ߠߛ ߟߛ ߞߛ ߝߛ ߜߛ ߛߛ ߚߛ9ࣞƟࢬ 9Input contact1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20B-T/BNo. Name Signal Function Contact On(Short)Contact Off(Open)SignalrecognitionSettingunitMaximumallowablecurrentB-T/B1-2 Disuse - - - - - - -3-4 Disuse - - - - - - -5-6 Disuse - - - - - - -7-8 Pump interlockZerovoltagecontactSignal about pump operation• Pump interlock error (E918) occurs if ON is notinput when operating pumpPump ON Pump OFF Usual input Eachunit 10 mA9-10Operation ON/OFF Controlling operation ON/OFF Note1) Note3) Usual/instantinputMainunit ofgroupNOTE4)10 mA11-1213-14 Operation mode Selecting cool/heat mode Note2) Heat Cool Usual inputMainunit ofgroupNOTE4)10 mA15-16 Hot water(Cool storage) modeEntering hot water (cool storage) mode byexternal control• Cool + ON: Cool storage• Heat + ON: Hot waterCool storage/Hot water Cool/Heat Usual inputMainunit ofgroupNOTE4)10 mA17-18Hot water(Cool storage)control standardControl depending on set temperature when ONControl depending on external hot water (coolstorage) thermostat when OFFControl by settemperatureControl bythermostat Usual inputMainunit ofgroupNOTE4)10 mA19-20Hot water(Cool storage)thermostat signalWhen thermostat is set as standard for hotwater (cool storage) mode• Thermo ON when ON (Not over range ofwater outlet temperature)• Thermo OFF when OFFThermo ON ThermoOFF Usual inputMainunit ofgroupNOTE4)10 mA• To use hot water (cool storage) mode, the function should be activated by Module Control.No. Name Signal Function Contact On(Short)Contact Off(Open)SignalrecognitionSettingunitMaximumallowablecurrentB-T/B1-2 Disuse - - - - - - -3-4 Disuse - - - - - - -5-6 Disuse - - - - - - -7-8 Pump interlockZerovoltagecontactSignal about pump operation• Pump interlock error (E918) occurs if ON is notinput when operating pumpPump ON Pump OFF Usual input Eachunit 10 mA9-10Operation ON/OFF Controlling operation ON/OFF Note1) Note3) Usual/instantinputMainunit ofgroupNOTE4)10 mA11-1213-14 Operation mode Selecting cool/heat mode Note2) Heat Cool Usual inputMainunit ofgroupNOTE4)10 mA15-16 Hot water(Cool storage) modeEntering hot water (cool storage) mode byexternal control Cool storage/Hot water Cool/Heat Usual inputMainunit ofgroupNOTE4)10 mA17-18Hot water(Cool storage)control standardControl depending on set temperature when ONControl depending on external hot water (coolstorage) thermostat when OFFControl by settemperatureControl bythermostat Usual inputMainunit ofgroupNOTE4)10 mA19-20Hot water(Cool storage)thermostat signalWhen thermostat is set as standard for hotwater (cool storage) mode• Thermo ON when ON (Not over range ofwater outlet temperature)• Thermo OFF when OFFThermo ON ThermoOFF Usual inputMainunit ofgroupNOTE4)10 mACool + ON: Cool storageHeat + ON: Hot waterExternal contact wiring workInput contactŷ ƟͱЇϑʪ˵ͱϩиɇϩʪθࣔʀͱͱ̷ϑϩͱθɇ˝ʪ͔ࣕͱʒʪࡨϩ˵ʪ˙Ї͝ʀϩ̈ͱ͝ϑ˵ͱЇ̷ʒɵʪɇʀϩ̈ЭɇϩʪʒɵцđͱʒЇ̷ʪAͱ͝ϩθͱ̷12. Installation