6LCD 24Bi KEYSET LAYOUTLABELLING PROGRAMMABLE KEYSAt the right edge lift up the plastic cover and remove the designationstrip.Label the designation strip and replace. Insert the plastic coverpressing firmly to click place.SOFTKEYS Used to activatefeature via the display.SCROLLKEY Used to scrollthrough displays.16 PROGRAMMABLE KEYSWITH TRI-COLORED LIGHTSUsed for CALL buttons,intercom calls and many othersystem features.8 PROGRAMMABLE KEYSWITH RED LIGHTS Used tocall stations directly, for One-Touch dialling and many othersystem features.SPEAKER KEY Used to switchcall to speakerphone.MEMORY(SPEED DIAL) KEYLAST NUMBER REDIAL KEYTRANSFER KEYANSWER/RELEASE KEYMICROPHONEFor handsfree operation.32 CHARACTER DISPLAYTwo lines with 16 character each. RING INDICATOR LAMPVOLUME CONTROL KEYSUsed to set independent levelsfor handset, speaker, backgroundmusic, ring and page volumes.HOLD KEY