btl'simholo int\mna-o de L':-,h; rrodu1oinclui litl'ra1ur o respec\1\0funcionamenlo~manutew,:•Asranhuras eabertura~nacaixa enaparte pmteriorouinferior permitem aventila~aonecessPara garantir o funcionamcnto correctodoaparelho c para o protcgerdosobrcaquecimento. nunca dcvc bloquearoutap<:~rcstus ranhurus c uherturus.-Nfiotapeasranhuras e aberturas com panosououtros materiais.-Ni.iobloqueicasranhuras c ahcrturas colocando o aparelho numa cama.sofii.tapetc:ououtra superfkie semelhante.-I\"i:iocoloque este aparelhonumespa~ofcchado, como umaesti.lnte ouumarm3rio embutido, a menos quetcnhaventila~aoadequada.- Instale o produto. mantendo a dist3nciadaparcdc cspccificada (consultcasinforma~Ocsahaixo.)* TclcvisoresDLP,TelevisorcsdoTipo Direct View e Projectorcs---j.10em* Produtos comvisoresde32polegadasoumaiorcs---j.5em* Outros produtos---j.4em•Niiocoloquc cste aparelho pertooupor cimade umradiador, sistemadeaquecimentoounumlocal em que esteja exposto a incidenciadirectadosraiossolare~.•Ni.iocoloque recipientescomemcimudoaparelho (jarras etc.). porque pode provocarumincCndio ouchoque elCctrico.• Nao cxponha o aparelho achuvanerncoloqueemlocais pertode{Jgua(pcrtode umabanheira,lavatOrio.lava-loi~a.tubodamaquinadelavar aloiya,piscinaounuma cavecomhumidade).Semolhar acidcntalmcntc o aparelho, dcsliguc-oda ficha e contactedeimediato orevcndcdor autorizado. Retire scmpre o cabodealimcntayaodatomada antesdelimpar o produto.• Este aparelhotcmpilhas. Dcitcforaaspilhas adequadamentcdeacordocomasconsidera~Ocsambicntaiscx.istentcsnoscu pais.Contactcasautoridadcs locais para obterinforma~Oessabre a destruiyaooureciclagcmdepilhas.•Niiosobrccarregue tomadasdeparcdc, extens6es nem receptporque pode provocarumincendioouchoqueelCctrico.• Deve colocaroscabosdealimentayaodeformaanaoserem pisados nem entalados por objcctos, tendoemespecialaten~aooscabosligados a fichas, a receptftculos eaopontodeonde os cabossacmdoaparelho.• Para proteger o aparelhodetrovoadas,ouquandoniioforutilinl-lo durante longos perlodosdetempo, desligue o aparelhodatomadadeparcde e desliguc a antcnaouo sistemadeLeicvisaopur cabo.Oeste modo. o aparelhonaosofre eventuais danos provocados por rains e descargasem<.:abosdealta tensfio.• Antesdeligar o cabode alimcntw;:aode CAa tomadadotransfonnadorde CC,certillque-sedeque adesigna~i'iodetcnsaodotransformadordeCCcorresponde aalimenta~aoelectrica local.• Nunca introduza objectos met3licosnasaberturasdoaparelho.Seo fizer, pode provocar choques eiCctricos.•Paraevitar choques e!ectricos, nunca toquenointeriordoaparelho. A caixadoaparelhosOdeve seraberta por tecnicos qualificados.• Introduza o cabodealimentay3o completamenteatCao fim.Quando retirar o cabodealimcntayao, ccrtifique-sedeque o segurapela fichaquando puxar a mesrnadatomada. Nao toquenocabodealimcntayi'io com as milosmolhadas.•Seo aparelho nao funcionar nonnalmcnte-emparticular,seo aparelho emitir ruidosoucheiros invulgares- desliguc o aparclhodeimediato c contacte o revendcdor autorizadooucentrodeassistencia tecnica.• Certifique-sedequeretira afichadealimentayaodatomadaseo aparelhodetelevisi'io naoforutilizadoou scu utilizadornaoestiveremcasaduranteurnperiododetempoIongo(especialmente quando criant;as.idososoupessoascomdeficienciasforemdeixadas sozinhasemcasa).- Poeira acumulada pode provocarumchoqueeh~ctrico.uma fugaelectricaouumincCndio,fazendo com que o tiodealimcntayaoproduza fafscas e aqucca ou deteriore o isolamcnto.• Contacteumcentro autorizadodeassistencia tecnica quando instalar o produtoemlocais sujeitos a poeiras excessivas, locais sujeitos aternpcraturas altas ou baixas, locaiscomrnuita humidade, locais ondeseutilizemsubst{mcias quimicas e locais onde o monitor esteja afuncionar24horas por dia comoemacroportos.esta~Oesdecomboio. etc.Scnaoo tizer. pode provocarsCriosdanosnoproduto.·Utilizeumafichaeumatornada devidamente ligadas aterra.-Umaligayiiodeterra deficiente podc causar choqueclCctricooudanosnocquipamento.(SOequipamento declasse1.)•Devepuxar a fichadatomada para desligar o aparelhodacorrente,deforma a dcixar afichapronta a scr utilizada.•Niiodeixeascrianyas mexernoproduto.• (fuardeosacessOrios(bateria. etc.)numlocal segurofOradoakance dascrian~as.•Niioinstalc o produtonumlocalinst8.vel,como umaprateleira inclinada.umchilodesniveladoouumlocal exposto avibra~ao.•Naodcixc cairouprovoque qualquerembatenoproduto.Seo produto estiver danificado, desligue o cabodealimentayao e contacteurncentrodeassistencia.• Desligue o cabodealimentayJodatomada e utilizeumpano sccoe macioparalimpar o produto.Naoutilize quaisquer produtos quimicoscomo cera, henzina.3.lcoo\,dilucntes, insecticida, ambientador, lubrificanteoudetergentc.Talpodedanificar o aspectodoprodutooueliminar a impressaodomesmo.•Naodeixc cair gotasousalpicosemcimadoaparelhu.•Ni'iodestruaaspilhas atravesde fogo.•Naoprovoque curto-circuito.nemdesfayaousobreaque~aaspilhas.• Existc perigodeexplosaoseapilhaforsubstituida incorrcctamcnte. Substitua-a apenaspelomesmo tipodepilha ou por(\)umacquivalente.•AVISO-PARA EVITAR 0 ALASTRAR DEUMINCE:"'DIO, MANTENHA SEMPREASVELAS OU OUTROTIPODECHAMA LONGE DESTE PRODUTO. .-Portugues-Regulatory Compliance Statements-Federal Communications Commission (FCC)- USA- Industry Canada Equipment Standard for Digital Equipment ( ICES-OOJ) - Canada-Voluntary Control Council for Interference(VCCI)-Japan-BureauofStandards Metrology and Inspection (BSl\11)- Taiwan-KoreaCommunicationsCommis~ion(KCC)-Rcpuhlic of Korea-Italian Post Ministry· (llomologation)- ltalyFCC Class A NoticeThis device complies with part15ofthe FCC Rules. Operation issubjectto thefallowingtwoconditions:1.This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designedtoprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipmentisoperatedina commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andusedinaccordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipmentina residential area is likely to cause harmful interferenceinwhich case the user will be required tocorrect the interference at his own expense.FCC Class B NoticeThisdevice complies withpart15ofthe FCC Rules.Operationis subjecttothefollowing two conditions:1.This device may not cause harmful interference, and2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdig1taldevice. pursuanttoPart 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and usedinaccordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccurina particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radioortelevision reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipmentoffand on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by oneormoreofthefollowing measures:--Reorient orrelocate the receiving antenna.--Increasethe separation between the equipment and receiver.-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-- Consult the dealer oran experienced radio/TV technician for helpUser InformationChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority tooperate the equipment. If necessary, consult with your dealeroran experienced radio/television technician for additionasuggestions. You may find the booklet called How to Identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems helpful.This booklet was prepared by the Federal Communications Commission.Itis available from the U.S. Government Printing Office.Washington.DC20402, Stock Number 004-000-00345-4TheSAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO , LTO.America QA Lab of Samsung3351 Michelson DriveSuite #290, Irvine, CA92612 USAUser must use shielded signal interface cables to maintainFCCcompliance for the product.Provided with this monitorisa detachable power supply cord with IEC320 style terminations.It may be suitable for connection to any UL Listed personal computer with similar configuration.Before making the connection, make surethevoltage ratingofthe computer convenience outlet is the same as the monitor andthat the ampere ratingofthe computer convenience outlet is equalorexceeds the monitor voltage rating.For 120 Volt applications, use onlyULListed detachable power cord with NEMA configuration 5-15P type (parallel blades) plugcap. For 240 Volt applications use onlyULListed detachable power supply cord with NEMA configuration 6-15P type(tandem blades) plug capThis television receiver provides display of television closed captioninginaccordance with Section 15.119 of the FCC rules.(TV broadcast receivers with picture screens13inches or largerindiameter models only)-5-