Caution:Pulling,pushing,orclimbingontheTVmaycausetheTVtofall.Inparticular,ensureyourchildrendonothangoverordestabilizetheTV.DoingsomaycausetheTVtotipover,causingseriousinjuriesordeath.FollowallsafetyprecautionsprovidedintheincludedSafetyFlyerwithyourT_.Foraddedstabilityandsafety,youcan)urchaseandinstalltheantifalldeviceasdescribedbelow.Parts included in the Kit:Installing the TV-Holder1. Read these instructions through once before you start.2. Remove the screw attached to the back of your TV, and then connect the TV-Holder to the TV with the screw included inthe TV-Holder Kit (O, O, 0 or O) that is designated for your TV.Make sure to use only the appropriate supplied screw. If you use a different screw, you can damage your TV.English27