- 16 - LGE Internal Use OnlyCopyright LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposes5.3 Adjustment Color Temperature (Whitebalance)A Using Instruments• Color Analyzer: CA-210 (CH 9)- Using LCD color temperature, Color Analyzer (CA-210)must use CH 9, which Matrix compensated (White, Red,Green, Blue compensation) with CS-2100. See theCoordination bellowed one.• Auto-adjustment Equipment (It needs when Auto-adjustment – It is availed communicate with RS-232C :Baud rate: 115200)• Video Signal Generator MSPG-925F 720p, 216Gray(Model: 217, Pattern 78)A Connection Diagram (Auto Adjustment)• Using Inner Pattern• Using HDMI inputA White Balance AdjustmentIf you can’t adjust with inner pattern, then you can adjust itusing HDMI pattern. You can select option at “Ez-AdjustMenu – 7. White Balance” there items “NONE, INNER,HDMI”. It is normally setting at inner basically. If you can’tadjust using inner pattern you can select HDMI item, andyou can adjust.In manual Adjust case, if you press ADJ button of serviceremocon, and enter “Ez-Adjust Menu – 7. White Balance”,then automatically inner pattern operates. (In case of“Inner” originally “Test-Pattern. On” will be selected in The“Test-Pattern. On/Off”.• Connect all cables and equipments like Pic.5)• Set Baud Rate of RS-232C to 115200. It may set 115200orignally.• Connect RS-232C cable to set• Connect HDMI cable to setA RS-232C Command (Commonly apply)• “wb 00 00”: Start Auto-adjustment of white balance.• “wb 00 10”: Start Gain Adjustment (Inner pattern)• “jb 00 c0” :• …• “wb 00 1f”: End of Adjustment* If it needs, offset adjustment (wb 00 20-start, wb 00 2f-end)• “wb 00 ff”: End of white balance adjustment (inner patterndisappear)C A -100+C O L O RA N A L Y Z E RT Y PE ; C A -100+F u l l W h i t e P at t er nR S-232C PreviousNext |