96Screen Adjustment44 Screen Adjustment4.2 CustomCustomize Tint under Picture.z Changing any setting under Custom will change the Mode setting to Custom.z This function is available when Dynamic Contrast is set to Off.(Refer to page 111 for details about Dynamic Contrast)4.2.1 Configuring the Custom SettingsThis product can only be controlled by using the remote control.1 Press MENU on the remote control.2 Press / to move to Picture and press [ ].3 Press / to move to Custom and press [ ].Different Custom options are displayed depending on the current input source:If the input source is PC or DVI:z ContrastAdjust the contrast between the objects and background. (Range: 0~100)A higher value will increase the contrast to make the object appear clearer.z BrightnessAdjust the general brightness of the picture. (Range: 0~100)A higher value will make the picture appear brighter.z SharpnessMake the outline of objects more clear or blurry. (Range: 0~100)A higher value will make the outline of objects clearer.C u s t o mM o v e E n t e r R e t u r nC o n t r a s t 1 0 0B r i g h t n e s s 1 0 0S h a r p n e s s 5 0G a m m a : N a t u r a l