Getting StartedEnglish - 8If the product generates astrange noise, a burning smell,or smoke, unplug the power plugimmediately and contact a servicecentre.● Otherwise, it may result inelectric shock or fire.Avoid letting children hang orclimb onto the product.● Otherwise, it may result in theproduct falling and this mayresult in injury or death.If you drop the product or the caseis damaged, turn the power off andunplug the power cord. Contact aservice centre.● Otherwise, it may result in fireor electric shock.Avoid placing objects such as toysand cookies on top of the product.● If a child hangs over theproduct to grab an object, theobject or the product may falland this may result in injury oreven death.When thunder or lighting occurs,unplug the power cord and underno circumstance touch the aerialcable as this is dangerous.● Otherwise, it may result inelectric shock or fire.Avoid dropping an object over theproduct or cause impact to theproduct.● Otherwise, it may result inelectric shock or fire.Avoid moving the product bypulling the power cord or aerialcable.● Otherwise, it may resultin electric shock, fire or aproblem with the product dueto damage to the cable.When a gas leak occurs, do nottouch the product or the powerplug and ventilate immediately.● A spark may result in anexplosion or fire.● During a thunder or lightingstorm, do not touch the powercord or aerial cable.Avoid lifting up or moving theproduct by holding only the powercord or signal cable.● Otherwise, it may resultin electric shock, fire or aproblem with the product dueto damage to the cable.Avoid using or placing inflammablespray or objects near the product.● This may result in an explosionor fire.Take care not to block the vent by atable cloth or curtain.● Otherwise, it may result in firedue to internal overheating.Avoid inserting metal objects suchas a chopsticks, coins or hairpins,or inflammable objects into theproduct (the vents, ports, etc).● If water or substances entersthe product, turn the poweroff, unplug the power cord andcontact a service centre.● Otherwise, it may result ina problem with the product,electric shock or fire.