45Last callLast call allows you to review the amount of time spent on the last call youmade.1. In standby mode, press to display the main menu.2. Press for Calls.3. Press for Air Time.4. Press for Last Call. The amount of time spent on your last calldisplays.5. Press to return to the previous display screen.TotalTotal air time is the cumulative amount of time the phone has been used sincethe total air time was last erased. Air time for all incoming and outgoing calls issaved here. This feature is not intended for billing purposes.1. In standby mode, press to display the main menu.2. Press for Calls.3. Press for Air Time.4. Press for Total.The screen displays the total number of calls and the total air time forcalls made and received since you last set the Total air time to zero (byusing the “Erase Total” option.)5. Press to return to the previous display screen.LifeTimeLifeTime air time is the amount of time the phone has been used since it wasfirst activated. Air time for all incoming and outgoing calls is saved here. Thisfeature is not intended for billing purposes.Note: You cannot erase any information created by this option.