ENG-43D V D O P E R AT I O N SAdjusting the Aspect Ratio (EZ View)Set the aspect ratio (length x width) of your TV screen so the DVD-VCR will display movies at the appropriatesize for your television.To Playback using Aspect Ratio (DVD)Press the EZ VIEW button onthe remote control.- The screen size changeswhen the button is pressedrepeatedly.- The screen zoom modeoperates differentlydepending on the screensetting in the Display Setupmenu.- To ensure correct operationof the EZ VIEW button, youshould set the correctaspect ratio in the DisplaySetup menu.(See pages 63 to 64).If you are using a 16:9 TVFor 16:9 aspect ratio discs- WIDE SCREENDisplays the content of the DVD title in 16:9aspect ratio.- SCREEN FITThe top and bottom portions of the screen arecut off. When playing a 2.35:1 aspect ratio disc,the black bars at the top and bottom of thescreen will disappear. The picture will lookvertically stretched. (Depending on a type of disc,the black bars may not disappear completely.)- ZOOM FITThe top, bottom, left and right of the screen arecut off and the central portion of the screen isenlarged.For 4:3 aspect ratio discs- NORMAL WIDEDisplays the content of the DVD title in 16:9aspect ratio. The picture will look horizontallystretched.- SCREEN FITThe top and bottom portions of the screen arecut off and the full screen appears. The picturewill look vertically stretched.- ZOOM FITThe top, bottom, left and right portions of thescreen are cut off and the central portion of thescreen is enlarged.- VERTICAL FITWhen a 4:3 DVD is viewed on a 16:9 TV, blackbars will appear at the left and right of the screenin order to prevent the picture from lookinghorizontally stretched.▼ The EZ View feature is not availablewhen the A-B Repeat function isactivated.