PROPRODUCT SPECIFICATION SHEETAMPLIFIERSTYPE:POWERAMPLIFIERSPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONSERVO 120A POWER AMPLIFIERSERIES CATEGORYSERVO AMPLIFIERSFRONT PANELBACK PANELGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe Servo 120a is a single rack-space stereopower amplifier which is optimized for use in bothprofessional and project recording studio environmentsas well as for live performance. It delivers 60 wattsof power per channel into 4 Ohms (or, in Bridgemode, 120 watts into 8-Ohms) over the full frequencyspectrum, from 3 Hz to 65 kHz. Both balanced 1/4˝TRS and unbalanced RCA-type input connectorsare provided, along with 5-way binding post outputconnectors. Front-panel controls and displays includea power switch, independent left- and right-channelinput level controls, ten-segment LED meters, aProtection LED, and a convenient headphone jackand speaker on/off switch for private cue monitoring.Suggested applications for the Servo 120a include:• Amplification for nearfield monitors or cueheadphones in both professional and projectstudios - Its superb audio specs and whisper-quietperformance (its convection cooling design meansthere is no fan), along with its unique front-panelspeaker on-off switch and dedicated headphonejack, make the Servo 120a the perfect complementto any recording studio.• Home Theatre applications - The power and flexibilityoffered by the Servo 120a (it can be used either as a60 watt stereo amplifier, or, in bridge mode, as a 120watt monophonic amp) makes it the perfect additionto any home theatre, in conjunction with any DVDplayer or other surround sound system. For example,use it in stereo mode to drive your main front left/rightspeakers, using your home stereo to drive the rearsatellite speakers—or use the Servo 120a in Bridge mode todrive your center channel or subwoofer with power galore.• As an extension to a home hi-fi system - The Servo 120aboasts professional specs which far exceed that of mostconsumer products. For a real “studio” experience inyour own home, try connecting your home hi-fi amplifier’sauxiliary outputs to the Servo 120a’s inputs (thus usingyour hi-fi amp as a preamplifier) and then connect yourexisting speakers to the Servo 120a’s outputs. If you fallin love with the sound (as we’re sure you will), you mightwant to substitute a professional pre-amplifier for yourexisting hi-fi amp—and, from there, you may well end upgraduating to higher-level speakers. High quality sound isaddicting—don’t say we didn’t warn you!• Powering public address systems in permanent installations -The Servo 120a can be used to effectively drive PAspeakers in installations such as classrooms and corporateconference rooms.• Onstage monitoring - In small and medium-sized onstageareas (such as in clubs, lounges, etc.), the Servo 120a canbe used to drive stage monitors, allowing the performersto hear themselves without having to rely on onstageequipment amplification.• MIDI rack monitoring - Taking only a single rack space,MIDI musicians can easily incorporate the Servo 120a intotheir existing rack of gear. Combined with a pair of highquality stage or studio speakers, this makes for an excellentmonitoring system that can accurately reproduce the broadrange of frequencies typically output by devices such assynthesizers, samplers, and digital audio workstations.©2006 Samson v1.0 5/06