FPI P36-4 Zero Clearance Direct Vent Gas Fireplace 33INSTALLATIONGAS LINEINSTALLATIONThe gas line is brought through the right of theappliance. The gas valve is situated on the righthand side of the unit and the gas inlet is on theright hand side of the valve.The gas line connection may be made of rigidpipe, copper pipe or an approved flex connector.(If you are using rigid pipe, ensure that the valvecan be removed for servicing.) Since somemunicipalities have additional local codes it isalways best to consult with your local authoritiesand the CAN/CGA B149 installation code.For USA installations follow local codes and/or the current National Fuel Gas Code, ANSIZ223.1.When using copper or flex connectors use onlyapproved fittings. Always provide a union sothat gas lines can be easily disconnected forservicing. Flare nuts for copper lines and flexconnectors are usually considered to meet thisrequirement.Important: Always check for gas leaks witha soap and water solution or gas leak detec-tor. Do not use open fl ame for leak testing.P36-NG4 System DataFor 0 to 4500 feet altitudeBurner Inlet Orifi ce Sizes: #37Max. Input Rating: 3 0 , 0 0 0 B t u / hMin. Input Rating: 15,300 Btu/hOutput Capacity with blower Off:22,600 Btu/hOutput Capacity with blower On:23,000 Btu/hMinimum Output with blower Off:11,500 Btu/hSupply Pressure: min.5.0" w.c.Manifold Pressure(High): 3.8"+/- 0.2"w.c.Electrical: 120 V A.C. System.Circulation Fan: variable speed 130 CFM.Log Set: Ceramic fibre, 7 per set.Vent System: Simpson Dura-Vent DirectVent System or FPI Direct Vent System(Flex)Note: Output capacity:The effi ciency rating of the applianceis a product thermal efficiencyrating determined under continuousoperating conditions and wasdetermined independently of anyinstalled system.Vent height may or may not changeyour effi ciency ratings.HIGH ELEVATIONThis unit is approved in Canada for altitude 0to 4500 ft. (CAN1 2.17-M91) with the orificesupplied.P36-LP4 System DataFor 0 to 2000 feet altitudeBurner Inlet Orifi ce Sizes: #52Max. Input Rating 30,000 Btu/hMin. Input Rating 15,000 Btu/hOutput Capacity with blower Off22,800 Btu/hOutput Capacity with blower On23,200 Btu/hMinimum Output with blower Off11,700 Btu/hFor 2000 to 4500 feet altitudeBurner Inlet Orifi ce Sizes: #53Max. Input Rating 25,000 Btu/hMin. Input Rating 12,600 Btu/hOutput Capacity with blower Off19,000 Btu/hOutput Capacity with blower On19,300 Btu/hMinimum Output with blower Off11,700 Btu/hFor 0 to 4500 feet Altitude:Supply Pressure min.12.0" w.c.Manifold Pressure(High) 11"+/- 0.2" w.c.Electrical: 120 V A.C. System.Circulation Fan: variable speed 130 CFM.Log Set: Ceramic fibre, 7 per set.Vent System: Simpson Dura-Vent DirectVent System or FPI Direct Vent System(Flex)