Regency ® P33-4 Zero Clearance Direct Vent Gas Fireplace 33OPTIONAL BAY DOORThe Bay louvers MUST be usedwith the Bay glass option.The optional Bay door is an overlay on theflush front. The standard flush door and glassmust remain on the unit.1) Hook the top of the bay door over the flushdoor flange and swing the bottom againstthe bottom flange of the flush door.2) Secure to the flush door bottom bracket with2 screws provided.Diagram 1 Diagram 2FLUSH LOUVERS1) Install the top louver by sliding the twobracket clips into the brackets locatedunderneath the top of the firebox.2) Install the bottom louver by folding the louverdown and then sliding the Bottom Louverbracket down onto the 2 pins on the baseof the unit (Diagram1). Secure with 1 screw(Diagram 2).Note: Top andbottom louversare different.3) Open the bottom louver. Pull the BurnerON/OFF control box from inside the bottomof the fireplace and position the slots in thebracket over the 2 screws on the left sideof the bottom louver. Push down to lock intoplace. Tighten the screws.Screws onlouver bracketBurner ON/OFF control box attached tobottom fl ush louver.Burner ON/OFFcontrol boxNote: If any maintenance etc. must bedone in the firebox, first remove theBay louvers and door.OPTIONAL BAY TRIMAttach the 4 supplied magnets, each to theback of the top and bottom trim pieces (spaceout evenly) and attach trim to the top and bot-tom of Bay door.DOUBLE SCREENDOOR1) Pull out the top louver.2) Center the screen door and hook over theflush door.3) Open the screen door(s) and secure thescreen door to the flush door front with 2clips on the bottom left and right side.Clip locationsClip installed on right side.INSTALLATION