Version 2.0.5R1DECEMBER 20, 2011 ©2011 RED.COM INC.207APPENDIX G: EXPOSURE – USING FALSE COLOR AND ISONOTE: The following section uses a RED ONE camera display to illustrate exposure tools;however, the same principles apply to EPIC camera systems.RED EPIC provides several advanced exposure indication tools. In the following examples, we will showhow these tools respond to a reference scene that is under-exposed, over-exposed and then correctlyexposed. Each scene will have its unique characteristics so the “correct exposure” is a matter ofjudgment, balancing the desire to avoid clipping any highlights and also avoiding underexpose ofelements in deep shadow – which may therefore be prone to noise when developed in post production.The following reference scene includes highlight and shadow elements and was shot at ISO 800.UNDEREXPOSURE (~ 2 STOPS)ISO 800 - Monitor OutputIn the image above it is obvious the camera is under exposed. The initial clues are the monitor is verydark, and the histogram is justified to the left. Also note that red bar at the left edge of the histogram andthe vertical color stack to the right of the histogram is only at grey. These indicators are saying asignificant amount of the senor’s RAW data is “in the noise” and that the peak level of the sensor’s RAWdata is at a very low level – in fact less than halfway.