17Time DisplayTime display is in hours and in minutes. Seconds will not be dis-played in the digital time-mode. In 24-hours mode the two dotsbetween hours and minutes are blinking; in the 12-hours modeeither the top (AM) or the button (PM) dot is displayed. Thetime can be adjusted to the actual local time zone (see paragraphon time zone setting below).4. Synchronization-Mode (Normal mode on the golf course)The watch is – as already described -designed in a way, that ituses a GPS/RF-Transmitter («Caddie»). Watch and «Caddie»must be synchronized. With the synchronization-mode this statuswill be established. You activate the synchronization-mode pres-sing the LCD-control-button once and long (2 seconds) when inthe time mode. You deactivate the synchronization mode doublepressing the LCD-control-button short.