Reverse With Confidence ™15GRIDLINESChapter three: Adjustable GuidelineGenerally, to help drivers es�mate the distance from obstacles, there are three lines forreference -red, yellow and green. Those three lines are displayed on the monitor when car isreversing. The green line is 3m from the back of car and the yellow line is 2m. The distant redline is 1m from the backside of car while the closed red line is 0.4m. Both reference lines onthe le� and right should leave 0.2m space from the car.Regular guide line is xed. But installa�on sites of cameras are different as well as car size. Thexed guide line is not accurate enough for drivers. There will be a great difference betweenregular and xed guide lines and car's real guide lines, especially when camera is mounted onthe le� or right side of car backside. It may cause accidents.20CM20CM3.1 About guide line3.2 What the regular guide line isAdjustable Grid LinesGenerally, to help drivers estimate the distance from obstacles, thereare three lines for reference -red, yellow and green. These three linesare displayed on the monitor when car is reversing. The green line is 3mfrom the back of car and the yellow line is 2m. The distant red line is 1mfrom the back of car while the closed red line is 0.4m. Both referencelines on the left and right should leave 0.2m space from the car.The accuracy of the grid lines can vary based on how you angle your cam-era. Adjust the grid lines to compensate for inaccuracies.