Before leaving the site, check the operation ofprogrammer, control thermostats are working correctlyand are capable of controlling the burners correctly.Check the operation of both burner control boxes.In the event of a flame failure the control boxes should cutoff the oil supply by closing the solenoid valves. The resetbuttons will then be illuminated.WAIT 1 MINUTE BEFORE RESETTING THE CONTROLBOX.Check that:-1. The boiler system is full of water and all the valves arefully open.2. The programmer is set to continuous heating and theheating switch set to heating.3. Ensure that the electricity supply is ON, that the pump,is running and the boiler thermostat is ON.The boiler and pump should be run until the system is hotand an inspection made for water leaks.The system should then be turned off and rapidly drainedwhilst still hot, with all manual and automatic valves in theopen position. The system should again be filled andcleared of all air locks. Whilst refilling the system it isessential that a corrosion inhibitor is added to the feedwater.When all air has been removed and the system is hot theby-pass should be adjusted to ensure a quiet operationand the radiators balanced.4. Allow the pump adjuster to maintain a boiler “flow andreturn” temperature differential of 10°C - 14°C.Checks must be made by the installer to see that thisdifferential is obtained after the boiler ‘Flow’ temperatureis stabilised.The system should be balanced by regulating the waterflow rate through individual heat emitters to ensure asatisfactory water temperature at each emitter.5. When the water system reaches working temperaturecheck that the boiler thermostat operates satisfactorily.1. Advise the User of the precautions necessary toprevent damage to the heating system and to the buildingin the event of the heating system being inoperativeduring frost conditions.2. Advise the User that, for continued efficient and safeoperation of the appliance, it is important that adequateservicing is carried out at regular 12 monthly intervals.3. Hand the Operating Instructions to the User anddemonstrate the correct operation of the appliance andsystem controls.4. Leave the Installation and Servicing Instructions withthe User.26Commissioning InstructionsANCILLARY CONTROLS CHECK INSTRUCT THE USERBOILER CONTROL CHECK