Manual-1PE 17PARAMETRIC EQUALIZEROPERATORS MANUALQUICK STARTThose who choose not to read this modest informational snippet (intended to ward off one of life’s embarrassingmoments) are those who wish to hasten the point at which their entire sound system locks up, screams unmercifully,shatters windows, causes dogs to howl, babies to cry, and melts all the compression drives, dripping molten titanium allover the hand-polished walnut decor. Pity.There are only a few things to check when using a PE 17. Always set both GAIN controls as close to the top of thepanel as possible without causing the OL LED to light constantly. Use the CUT FILTERS to tailor the bandwidth for eachapplication. Always check that each FREQ x multiplier switch (located beneath each FREQ control) is set to the correctposition. Great surprises result from false settings.For extra-deep notching applications, use Bands 3 and 4 and set them exactly the same. Notches as deep as 30 dB arepossible, since Bands 3 and 4 are in series while most other bands are in parallel (see the Block Diagram in the Data Sheet).Hook-up is simple. The PE 17 accepts all combinations of balanced or unbalanced, XLR or ¼" connectors. However,the INPUT connectors are wired in parallel and may not be used together. Use only one at a time. They will not function asa summing type of input for two different sources, but they may be used in a daisy chain fashion to feed other units. On theother hand (to randomly pick a hackneyed expression), you may use the paralleled Outputs to drive two destinations.Never connect anything except a Rane approved AC power supply to the thing that looks like a red telephone jack onthe rear of the PE 17.WEAR PARTS: This product contains no wear parts.OCTAVEdB Hz-15 12-696.03100 2k150 1k 460 0.6 1.0-3OCTAVEdB Hz-15 12-696.03100 2k150 1k 460 0.6 1.0-3OCTAVEdB Hz-15 12-696.03100 2k150 1k 460 0.6 1.0-3OCTAVEdB Hz-15 12-696.03100 2k150 1k 460 0.6 1.0-3OCT.dB Hz-15 12-696.03100 2k150 1k 460 0.6 1.0-3–120 0–1230k40k10k5k3k20103580180250EQUALIZERPARAMETRIC+12+12BYPASS x1x10 BYPASSx0.1OLGAIN 1POWERCUT FILTERSOUTIN LOW HIGHBANDWIDTHLEVEL FREQUENCYx1x10 x0.1 x1x10 x0.1 x1x10 x0.1 x1x10 x0.1BYPASS2 BANDWIDTHLEVEL FREQUENCYBYPASS3 BANDWIDTHLEVEL FREQUENCYBYPASS4 BANDWIDTHLEVEL FREQUENCYBYPASS5 BANDWIDTHLEVEL FREQUENCYPE 17FREQ FREQ FREQ FREQ FREQ