82 RabbitCore RCM3000C.7 LCD/Keypad Module Function CallsWhen mounted on the Prototyping Board, the LCD/keypad module uses the auxiliary I/Obus on the Rabbit 3000 chip. Remember to add the line#define PORTA_AUX_IOto the beginning of any programs using the auxiliary I/O bus.C.7.1 LCD/Keypad Module InitializationThe function used to initialize the LCD/keypad module can be found in the Dynamic CLIB\DISPLAYS\LCD122KEY7.LIB library.Initializes the LCD/keypad module. The keypad is set up using keypadDef() or keyConfig() afterthis function call.RETURN VALUENone.C.7.2 LEDsWhen power is applied to the LCD/keypad module for the first time, the red LED (DS1)will come on, indicating that power is being applied to the LCD/keypad module. The redLED is turned off when the brdInit function executes.One function is available to control the LEDs, and can be found in the LIB\DISPLAYS\LCD122KEY7.LIB library.LED on/off control. This function will only work when the LCD/keypad module is installed on thePrototyping Board.PARAMETERSled is the LED to control.0 = LED DS11 = LED DS22 = LED DS33 = LED DS44 = LED DS55 = LED DS66 = LED DS7value is the value used to control whether the LED is on or off (0 or 1).0 = off1 = onRETURN VALUENone.void dispInit();void ledOut(int led, int value);Downloaded from Elcodis.com electronic components distributor