RSP1 & RSP2 Ratchet Shears Instructions• CUTS PE, ABS, PEX, PP, AND SIMILAR SOFT PLASTICS &RUBBER MATERIAL.• DOES NOT CUT METAL OR REINFORCED TUBING.0617 - 54277Reed Manufacturing Company1425 West 8th StreetErie, PA 16502 USASwing latchto release handle.Depress toretract blade.OPERATION:Release the handle swing latch to separate handles. Depress the blade release tofully open the blade. Insert pipe or tubing squarely into the saddle. Squeeze thepivoting handle fully to engage the blade, then relax to allow ratcheting. Repeat untilblade is through the pipe.HELPFUL HINTS:To prevent cracking of cold pipe - warm pipe (no direct flame) and use slow, evenstrokes. Apply light oil on mechanism to prevent rusting and reduce friction. Rotateshears slightly around very flexible thin pipe or tubing to assist in cutting.REPLACE BLADE:Caution: Blade removal and replacementinvolves maneuvering and handling theloose blade. Use extreme caution whenhandling the blade. Release the handlelatch to separate handles. Depress theblade release to fully open the blade.Using small nose pliers, gently removethe extension spring hook from the blade.Remove blade screw, wavy washer, andblade pivot nut from the opposite side.Carefully remove the blade from the body.Assemble the new blade into the bodyand replace blade pivot nut, screw andwavy washer. While making sure the bladeis in the open position, carefully replacethe extension spring hook into the bladehole. Test cut a piece of plastic pipe or tube to make sure of proper tool operation.RESHARPEN BLADE:Sharpen with fine, hard whetstone held at 30-degree angle to blade. Sharpen evenlyon both sides of cutting edge so tool cuts easily. If blade cuts crooked, sharpen sidetoward which blade deflects. Draw stone into blade, not away.CAUTION:Wear eye protection when cutting cold or brittle plastics. Pipe cancrack or shatter causing possible eye injury. Keep fingers clear whencutting. Blade is sharp! Pick up and hold tool by the handles. Whennot using shears, leave blade in the fully advanced (closed) position to prevent dam-age to blade and hands. Latch handles together for storage.Replacement Blades:#94276 RSP1B fits RSP1#94277 RSP2B fits RSP2Phone: 800-666-3691 or 814-452-3691Fax: 800-456-1697 or