3 – Managing FabricsEvent Browser3-4 59235-02 AL5. Reset the replacement switch to activate the configuration formerlypossessed by the failed switch including the domain ID and the zoningdatabase. Open the Switch menu and select Reset Switch.6. Reconnect the inter-switch links, target devices, and initiator devices to thereplacement switch using the same ports as were used on the failed switch.3.5Event BrowserThe Event Browser displays a list of events generated by the switches in the fabricand the QuickTools web applet. Events that are generated by the QuickTools webapplet are not saved on the switch, but can be saved to a file during theQuickTools session.Entries in the Event Browser, shown in Figure 3-1, are formatted by severity, timestamp, source, type, and description. The maximum number of entries allowed inthe Event Browser is 10,000. The maximum number of entries allowed on a switchis 1200. Once the maximum is reached, the event list wraps and the oldest eventsare discarded and replaced with the new events. Event entries from the switch,use the switch time stamp, while event entries generated by the web applet havea workstation time stamp. You can filter, sort, and export the contents of the EventBrowser to a file. The Event Browser begins recording when enabled andQuickTools is running.If the Event Browser is enabled using the Preferences dialog, the next timeQuickTools is started all events from the switch log will be displayed. If the EventBrowser is disabled when QuickTools is started and later enabled, only thoseevents from the time the Event Browser was enabled and forward will bedisplayed.To display the Event Browser, open the Fabric menu and select Show EventBrowser, or click the Events button on the tool bar. If the Show Event Browserselection or the Events button is grayed-out, you must first enable the EventsBrowser preference. Refer to ”Setting QuickTools Preferences” on page 2-10.