14HARDWARE DESCRIPTION- Front PanelEmergency Bypass: This is an extremely powerful feature. If thereshould ever be a problem with the DCM or system cabling, you havethe ability to bypass all of the DCM active circuitry and get sound tothe center channel. In the NORMAL position, the DCM performsnormal monitor and crossover functions. In the EMERGENCYposition, the PROC center channel signal is routed to a passivecrossover (no power is required), and then to the center channelamplifier. There are level adjustments on the rear panel for balanc-ing the high frequency and low frequency output level.Test Jacks: The Test jacks give you access to any of the signals beingsent to the front panel speaker (before the gain potentiometer). Thesesignal levels are at the exact same level as the cinema processoroutput signals (unity gain) and can be used as a test point for systemcalibration.FRONT PANEL (continued)